General information |
Motorcycle name
Harley-Davidson Road Glide Limited |
2022 |
Touring |
Price as new | US$ 28729. MSRP depends on country, taxes, accessories, etc. |
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Engine and transmission |
1868.0 ccm (113.99 cubic inches) |
Engine type
V2, four-stroke |
Engine details
Twin-Cooled™ Milwaukee-Eight® 114 |
89.0 HP (65.0 kW)) @ 5450 RPM |
165.4 Nm (16.9 kgf-m or 122.0 ft.lbs) @ 3000 RPM |
10.5:1 |
Bore x stroke
102.0 x 114.3 mm (4.0 x 4.5 inches) |
Fuel system
Injection. ESPFI |
Fuel control
Double Overhead Cams/Twin Cam (DOHC) |
Lubrication system
Dry sump |
Cooling system
Oil & air |
6-speed |
Transmission type
Belt (final drive) |
Multi-plate with diaphragm spring in oil bath |
Chain, 34/46 ratio primary drive |
Fuel consumption
5.47 litres/100 km (18.3 km/l or 43.00 mpg) |
Greenhouse gases
126.9 CO2 g/km. (CO2 - Carbon dioxide emission) |
Exhaust system
2:1:2 dual exhaust with 4 in. tapered mufflers |
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels |
Rake (fork angle)
26.0° |
170 mm (6.7 inches) |
Front suspension
Telescopic fork, 49 mm dual bending valve |
Rear suspension
Twin shocks, premium low hand-adjustable |
Front tire
130/70-B18 |
Rear tire
180/55-B18 |
Front brakes
Double disc. ABS. 4-piston |
Rear brakes
Single disc. ABS. 4-piston |
Slicer II cast aluminum with clear coat. Dunlop® Harley-Davidson Series tires. |
Physical measures and capacities |
Dry weight
406.9 kg (897.0 pounds) |
Weight incl. oil, gas, etc
422.8 kg (932.0 pounds) |
Power/weight ratio
0.2187 HP/kg |
Seat height
691 mm (27.2 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting. |
Overall length
2596 mm (102.2 inches) |
Ground clearance
130 mm (5.1 inches) |
1625 mm (64.0 inches) |
Fuel capacity
22.71 litres (6.00 US gallons) |
Oil capacity
4.70 litres (4.97 US quarts) |
Other specifications |
Color options
Vivid Black, Mineral Green Metallic, Gauntlet Gray Metallic/Vivid Black, Gunship Gray, Reef Blue/Vivid Black |
Electric |
Display features odometer, trip A, trip B, range to empty and gear indicator; and larger tell-tale indicators. |
LED headlight |
Carrying capacity
Saddle bags. Top box. 4.7 cu ft luggage volume. |
Small windshield. Cruise control. Alarm. Infotainment. Bluetooth. USB. |
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Further information |
Insurance costs | Compare US insurance quotes from the nation's top providers. |
Parts finder |
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Maintenance | Find parts, fluids. filters, maintenance tools and service manuals at |
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