One glimpse of a Night Train® approaching is enough to send shivers up your spine. Must be the wicked blacked-out look. Black tank console. Black rear fender supports. Black air cleaner cover. Black oil tank. Black powder-coated, counterbalanced Twin Cam 88B™ engine, in carb or EFI, with wrinkle and black covers, of course.
General information
Model name
Harley-Davidson FXSTBI Softail Night Train
Year model
Custom / cruiser
3.7 See the detailed rating of design and look, maintenance cost, engine performance, etc. Compare with any other bike.
Black powder-coated engine with wrinkle black and texture black covers; laced front wheel, disc rear wheel ;Badlander seat; hardtail styling with hidden horizontal rear shocks; drag-style handlebar; black tank console, rear fender supports, air cleaner and oil tank; bobtail fender
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