1985 CZ 350 Typ 472.6

CZ 350 Typ 472.6 1985

1985 CZ 350 Typ 472.6 specifications, pictures, reviews and rating

General information
Motorcycle name CZ 350 Typ 472.6
Year of manufacture 1985
Type Touring
Rating 3.4  See the detailed rating of touring capabilities, reliability, accident risk, etc. Compare with any other motorbike.
Engine and transmission
Engine size 350.0 ccm (21.36 cubic inches)
Type of engine Twin, two-stroke
Output 22.0 HP (16.1 kW)) @ 5000 RPM
Top speed 135.0 km/h (83.9 mph)
Maximum RPM 6500
Compression 9.2:1
Fuel system Carburettor. Jikov
Fuel control Port control
Ignition Mechanical
Lubrication system 2-stroke
Cooling system Air
Gearbox 4-speed
Transmission type Chain (final drive)
Clutch Wet multyplate with automatic gearchange engagement
Fuel consumption 4.00 litres/100 km (25.0 km/l or 58.81 mpg)
Greenhouse gases 92.8 CO2 g/km. (CO2 - Carbon dioxide emission)
Exhaust system Two reactive scilencer chrome pipes (one per cyl.)
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Frame type Steel pipe closed type
Front suspension Inverted forks
Rear suspension Dualshock with swingarm
Front tire -R18
Rear tire -R18
Front brakes Expanding brake (drum brake). Two-side expantion
Rear brakes Expanding brake (drum brake). One-side expantion
Physical measures and capacities
Dry weight 180.0 kg (396.8 pounds)
Power/weight ratio 0.1222 HP/kg
Fuel capacity 18.00 litres (4.76 US gallons)
Reserve fuel capacity 3.00 litres (0.79 US gallons)
Other specifications
Color options Light red, dark red
Starter Kick
Comments A very prolific, multifunctional and sturdy bike of the eastern block.It was also produced in vast numbers in China and India. In fact some speculate it is the most prolific bike ever made. It owes its sucsess to its simplicity, cheapness and multifunctionality. It has a simple, but reasonably reliable two cilinder, two stroke engine. Has a sidecar option. Altho simple the bike is far from primitive. It has good, modern looks, for its time, it is also fairly fueleficient. This bike was intended to fill the most important role in the Warsaw-pact market-the large engine long-distance multifunctional platform (called nowadays touring, plus a bit of offroad and heavy hauling capabilities). The CZ 350 has very simple, altho fairly frequent maintenance requirements, witch if conducted properly make it virtualy imposible for the bike to give you any seruous trouble. The engine has a short life-expectancy, witch is originaly counterbalanced by the avaylability and lo-price of spare engines. It is also intended for someone to be able to change, or repair the engine in his owne backyard with only a screwdriver, wrenches and minimal expirience. The platforme is a successor of previous CZ 350 engines from the 60´s. In fact it has little more in diferant with them than looks. The original 350 of that generation-Type 472.1 came out in the 70´s. All throu to Typ 472.6, nothing changes exept suspention, an added RPM meter, a 12V alternator instead of the 6V dinamlo and some sattle, tank and taillight details. It was in production untill 1990. Altho outdated in Europe, this model is still very popular, or at least numerous in India, China and Mongoli, being used as a workhorse in rural areas, or as fast transport in cityes. The Tyo 472.6 only came in two varyations - light red eith black pinstripes or red with white stripes. Curiously the light variant had a different front fender lead for the front brake whire than the dark version.
Modifications compared to previous model Minor cosmetic changes over all previous models from the 472.1 to 472.5, over witch a 12V alternator upgrade and a different dashboard with anRPM gage, while all else was kept identical.
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Rating sample for this CZ bike
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