General information |
Motorcycle name
BMW R 1200 RT LE |
2014 |
Touring |
Price as new | Euro 15390. MSRP depends on country, taxes, accessories, etc. |
3.8 See the detailed rating of touring capabilities, reliability, accident risk, etc. Compare with any other motorbike. |
Engine and transmission |
1170.0 ccm (71.39 cubic inches) |
Engine type
Two cylinder boxer, four-stroke |
125.0 HP (91.2 kW)) @ 7750 RPM |
125.0 Nm (12.7 kgf-m or 92.2 ft.lbs) @ 6500 RPM |
Top speed
201.2 km/h (125.0 mph) |
12.5:1 |
Bore x stroke
101.0 x 73.0 mm (4.0 x 2.9 inches) |
Fuel system
Injection. Electronic intake pipe injection / BMS-K+ digital engine management with overrun fuel cut-off, twin spark ignition |
Fuel control
Double Overhead Cams/Twin Cam (DOHC) |
Lubrication system
Dry sump |
Cooling system
Liquid |
6-speed |
Transmission type
Shaft drive (cardan) (final drive) |
Hydraulic slipper clutch |
Fuel consumption
3.90 litres/100 km (25.6 km/l or 60.31 mpg) |
Greenhouse gases
90.5 CO2 g/km. (CO2 - Carbon dioxide emission) |
Emission details
Emission standard EU-3 |
Exhaust system
Chrome Exhaust |
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels |
Frame type
Two-part tubular frame, engine partially load-bearing |
Rake (fork angle)
26.5° |
116 mm (4.6 inches) |
Front suspension
Telelever |
Front wheel travel
120 mm (4.7 inches) |
Rear suspension
Cast aluminium single swing arm with Paralever |
Rear wheel travel
136 mm (5.4 inches) |
Front tire
120/70-ZR17 |
Rear tire
180/55-ZR17 |
Front brakes
Double disc. Floating discs. Four-piston calipers. |
320 mm (12.6 inches) |
Rear brakes
Single disc. Floating disc. Two-piston calipers. |
276 mm (10.9 inches) |
Cast aluminium |
Physical measures and capacities |
Dry weight
233.2 kg (514.0 pounds) |
Weight incl. oil, gas, etc
274.0 kg (604.1 pounds) |
Power/weight ratio
0.5361 HP/kg |
Seat height
805 mm (31.7 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting. |
Overall height
1415 mm (55.7 inches) |
Overall length
2222 mm (87.5 inches) |
Overall width
985 mm (38.8 inches) |
1485 mm (58.5 inches) |
Fuel capacity
25.00 litres (6.61 US gallons) |
Reserve fuel capacity
4.00 litres (1.06 US gallons) |
Other specifications |
Color options
Ebony, blue, grey |
Electric |
High Resolution Multi-function display with Pro on-board computer |
12 V / 16 Ah, maintenance-free battery. |
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Further information |
Insurance costs | Compare US insurance quotes from the nation's top providers. |
Parts finder |
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Maintenance | Find parts, fluids. filters, maintenance tools and service manuals at |
Ask questions | Join the 14 BMW R 1200 RT LE discussion group or the general BMW discussion group. |
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