2008 Beta Urban 125

Beta Urban 125 2008

2008 Beta Urban 125 specifications, pictures, reviews and rating

Beta's profilation of this bike
Discover the fun side of the city Stylish, minimal, athletic, and fun. That’s what’s written in the DNA of URBAN, Beta´s new city model. The Tuscan brand, which comes from a longstanding tradition of quick and easy motorcycles, has taken a fresh look at mobility in the city by creating a blend of genres. Chop finely, pour together, and blend on high: the looks of an urban scrambler, the light weight of a mountain bike, and the ease of handling and low-slung seat of a trial motorcycle. Add a little charismatic design into the mix and you have got the recipe for the new URBAN. A cocktail on wheels that, as its name suggests, is truly at home on the streets, and offers an ideal way to discover the fun side of the city. Stefano Soldani, Betamotor’s Head of Marketing, explains: “We were not thinking so much of a single target market as of a transversal—even universal—need: the increasing demand for simple motorcycles with big personalities. Urban is a modern re-visitation of the traditional scooter people used to use just to get around the city and have a lot of fun in the process. It comes without the bulk and worry of a larger motorcycle and has more personality than a scooter. We were mostly thinking about customers with a youthful mentality who love sport and lead stylish, dynamic lifestyles in the city.´ The trellis frame, mounted on a suspension designed to maximize comfort, ensures that the Urban is as easy to handle as it is fun to drive. Its moderate size and lack of bulk complete the mix, allowing even the most inexperienced to ride with confidence and ease. Urban lends itself well to small manoeuvres and jumps, and is capable of darting nimbly through city traffic. There are two models, both with 4T engines: the 125cc, which is designed for first-time riders or those who want a bike they can ride without a specific motorcycle licence, and the 200cc, for those who prefer higher performance. Sturdy and reliable, the new Beta is the prototype of the no-worries motorcycle. It is fuel-efficient and maintenance has been simplified to the extreme: after all, it is designed to show you only the fun side of the city. Finally, Urban riders can expect a full package of accessories and special parts (parcel rack, side bag, carbon parts) that will make urban exploration even more enjoyable and personal.

General information
Model name Beta Urban 125
Year 2008
Category Sport
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Engine and transmission
Displacement 125.0 ccm (7.63 cubic inches)
Engine type Single cylinder, four-stroke
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Physical measures and capacities
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