Zündapp DB 2032.54 average rating for 2 Zündapp DB 203 model variants. |
Zündapp DB 203 model overview |
Zündapp DB 203 models include the 2 motorcycles below produced from 1952 to 1953. The 1953 Zündapp DB 203 motorcycle is used as an example on this page. It has a 198 ccm single cylinder engine. The category is allround. Our visitor's rating for this model is 2.5 out of 5 with 3 votes. See the model variants below for more rating details. |
Engine and transmission | |
Displacement | 198.0 ccm (12.08 cubic inches) |
Power | 8.7 HP (6.4 kW) @ 4250 RPM |
Top speed | 90.0 km/h (55.9 mph) |
Gearbox | 4-speed |
Frame, dampers, brakes and wheels | |
Front dampers | Telescopic |
Rear dampers | Rigid |
Front tire | 3.25-19 |
Rear tire | 3.25-19 |
Front brakes | Expanding brake (drum brake) |
Rear brakes | Expanding brake (drum brake) |
Wheels | Spoked |
Weight and dimentions | |
Dry weight | 122.0 kg (269.0 pounds) |
Fuel tank | 12.0 litres (3.17 US gallons) |
Other information | |
The Zündapp DB 203 model variants with detailed specs:
1953 Zündapp DB 203 Power: 8.70 HP Dry weight: 122.00 kg Specs and pictures Detailed rating Add a comment Add your rating | |
1952 Zündapp DB 203 Power: 8.70 HP Dry weight: 122.00 kg Specs and pictures Detailed rating Add a comment Add your rating |
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