Polaris Outlaw 70

Polaris Outlaw 70

No rating yet. 3 Polaris Outlaw 70 model variants.

Polaris Outlaw 70 model overview
Polaris Outlaw 70 models include the 3 motorcycles below produced from 2021 to 2023. The 2023 Polaris Outlaw 70 motorcycle is used as an example on this page. It has a 70 ccm single cylinder engine. The category is atv.

Engine and transmission
Displacement70.0 ccm (4.27 cubic inches)
Top speed24.1 km/h (15.0 mph)
Frame, dampers, brakes and wheels
Front dampersSingle A-Arm
Rear dampersMono-Shock Swingarm
Front tire18/7-8
Rear tire18/8-8
Front brakesSingle disc
Rear brakesSingle disc
Weight and dimentions
Dry weight126.0 kg (277.8 pounds)
Saddle height654 mm (25.7 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting.
Wheelbase838 mm (33.0 inches)
Length1422 mm (56.0 inches)
Height896 mm (35.3 inches)
Width901 mm (35.5 inches)
Ground clearance102 mm (4.0 inches)
Fuel tank5.7 litres (1.50 US gallons)
Other information
LightLED Running Lights, Single Rear Brakelights/Taillight
CommentsIntended for children. Parent-adjustable speed limiter.
MaintenanceFind Polaris Outlaw 70 parts, fluids and service manuals.
Insurance costsEasy comparison of quotes from US top insurance providers.

The Polaris Outlaw 70 model variants with detailed specs:
Separating line
2023 Polaris Outlaw 70
All terrain vehicle category:
2023 Polaris Outlaw 70
Colors: Red/white, pink/whitePoint
Price as new: 2399 USDPoint
Engine: 70.00 ccmPoint
Dry weight: 126.00 kgPoint
Manufacturers profilation: The Outlaw 70 is the ideal off road starter. Built with safety and kid-friendly performance for kids age 6+.

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2022 Polaris Outlaw 70 EFI
All terrain vehicle category:
2022 Polaris Outlaw 70 EFI
Colors: Red/white, pink/whitePoint
Price as new: 2399 USDPoint
Engine: 70.00 ccmPoint
Dry weight: 126.00 kgPoint
Manufacturers profilation: Parents can adjust the machine´s speed to fit their kid´s skill level and comfort. Kids will love using a single lever to apply braking power versus two levers.

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Separating line
2021 Polaris Outlaw 70 EFI
All terrain vehicle category:
2021 Polaris Outlaw 70 EFI
Colors: Red/white, pink/whitePoint
Price as new: 2349 USDPoint
Engine: 70.00 ccmPoint
Dry weight: 126.00 kgPoint
Manufacturers profilation: Parents will appreciate that this machine grows with the rider by featuring an upgraded 70cc engine, a new ergonomic design that is specifically sized for a wider age range (6 - 10 year olds), and parent-adjustable speed control, enabling youth riders to enjoy it longer.

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