Pitster Pro XJ-E

Pitster Pro XJ-E

No rating yet. 1 Pitster Pro XJ-E model variants.

2016 Pitster Pro XJ-E Electric
2016 Pitster Pro XJ-E Electric. Picture credits - Pitster Pro. Submit more pictures.
Pitster Pro XJ-E model overview
Pitster Pro XJ-E models include the motorcycle below produced in 2016. The 2016 Pitster Pro XJ-E Electric motorcycle is used as an example on this page. It has an electric engine. The category is minibike, cross.

Engine and transmission
Rare Earth - Neodymium Magnet Motor
Power0.7 HP (0.5 kW)
Top speed25.8 km/h (16.0 mph)
Frame, dampers, brakes and wheels
FrameChromoly frame with battery cradle
Front dampersInverted alloy
Rear dampersAdjustable pre-load rear shock
Front tire2.50-10
Rear tire2.50-10
Front brakesSingle disc
Rear brakesSingle disc
Weight and dimentions
Dry weight19.5 kg (43.0 pounds)
Saddle height470 mm (18.5 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting.
Ground clearance152 mm (6.0 inches)
Other information
Comments4 to 6 hours charging time. 2x12 Volt sealed lead acid batteries,
MaintenanceFind Pitster Pro XJ-E parts, fluids and service manuals.
Insurance costsEasy comparison of quotes from US top insurance providers.

The Pitster Pro XJ-E model variants with detailed specs:
Separating line
2016 Pitster Pro XJ-E Electric
Minibike, cross category:
2016 Pitster Pro XJ-E Electric
Colors: WhitePoint
Price as new: 449 USDPoint
Power: 0.67 HPPoint
Dry weight: 19.50 kgPoint
Manufacturers profilation: There has never been a easier or safer way to get started riding motorcycle! Start your little one off right with the Pitster Pro XJ-E! The XJ-E is designed to build confidence and skills that will prepare your rider for the next level! Great styling, light weight, super low seat height and most important, low maintenance are the key features of this little ripper!

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