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BPG Uno model overview
BPG Uno models include the motorcycle below produced in 2011. The 2011 BPG Uno I motorcycle is used as an example on this page. It has an electric engine. The category is prototype / concept model.

Engine and transmission
Top speed48.3 km/h (30.0 mph)
Frame, dampers, brakes and wheels
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CommentsThe U3 utilizes a gyroscopic control system to remain balanced while in Uno mode. The U3 uses conventional motorcycle controls (handle bars, accelerator, hand brake) for both modes allowing for a seamless transition between Uno and street bike. STAGE 1: The U3 two-wheeled configuration, referred to as “Uno mode”, utilizes two side by side parallel wheels (traction wheels) for forward/reverse movement and steering available under low operating speeds. While in Uno mode, the wheels are capable of tilting the bike while remaining parallel – providing the rider with a compact and highly maneuverable ride. STAGE 2: The U3 three-wheeled configuration, referred to as “Motorcycle mode”, utilizes an un-motorized additional front wheel forward of the two rear wheels. As the vehicle accelerates, the front wheel deploys and transforms the U3 into a three-wheeled vehicle while moving. This mode was created to provide the rider with a safer, more stable and familiar platform for high speed travel.
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The BPG Uno model variants with detailed specs:
Separating line
2011 BPG Uno I
Prototype/concept model category:
2011 BPG Uno I
Colors: OrangePoint
Price as new: 7500 USDPoint
Engine: 1.00 ccmPoint
Manufacturers profilation: After winning a Grand Award at the 2007 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, the Uno was awarded one of the Top 10 Inventions of the Year by Popular Science magazine. Gulak’s Uno started to appear in newspapers and magazines around the world – leading to the start of BPG Motors.

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