BamX BX250

BamX BX250

No rating yet. 2 BamX BX250 model variants.

BamX BX250 model overview
BamX BX250 models include the 2 motorcycles below produced from 2010 to 2012. The 2012 BamX BX250-U Back Country motorcycle is used as an example on this page. It has a 230 ccm single cylinder engine. The category is atv.

Engine and transmission
Displacement230.0 ccm (14.03 cubic inches)
Power12.5 HP (9.1 kW)
Torque15.0 Nm (1.5 kgf-m or 11.1 ft.lbs) @ 5500 RPM
Frame, dampers, brakes and wheels
Front dampersIndependent
Rear dampersSwing Arm
Front tire22/8-10
Rear tire22/11-10
Front brakesDouble disc
Rear brakesSingle disc
Weight and dimentions
Dry weight165.6 kg (365.0 pounds)
Wheelbase1220 mm (48.0 inches)
Ground clearance152 mm (6.0 inches)
Fuel tank12.0 litres (3.17 US gallons)
Oil capacity1.50 litres (1.59 US quarts)
Other information
Electrical12V-14AH battery.
MaintenanceFind BamX BX250 parts, fluids and service manuals.
Insurance costsEasy comparison of quotes from US top insurance providers.

The BamX BX250 model variants with detailed specs:
Separating line
2012 BamX BX250-U Back Country
All terrain vehicle category:
2012 BamX BX250-U Back Country
Colors: Green camo, brown camoPoint
Price as new: 2999 USDPoint
Torque: 15.00 NmPoint
Dry weight: 165.56 kgPoint
Manufacturers profilation: These vehicles are irreplaceable for the places where the ordinary cars cannot go through. They are compact and powerful.

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Separating line
2010 BamX BX250-S1 Assault
All terrain vehicle category:
2010 BamX BX250-S1 Assault
Colors: Red, bluePoint
Price as new: 2499 USDPoint
Torque: 18.00 NmPoint
Dry weight: 395.00 kgPoint
Manufacturers profilation: The four wheeled sportive ATV of similar modification is the personification of freedom and its accessibility. Its moderate price and stylish design turn the combination cost quality into habitual thing in your life.

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