1976 Kawasaki Z 750 review

Review of the 1976 Kawasaki Z 750:

KZ 750 B - 1976

Author: Brad Baier, 2011-09-04, viewed 271 times.
Although not a blistering fast entry into the 750 class of motorbikes, this 2 cylinder workhorse will provide years of service and incredible enjoyment.

  I owned a 1976 KZ 750B and held onto it for many years. Fun, powerful, very low maintenance with a bulletproof power train this bike will run forever with proper upkeep. It loved the twisties in the canyons and did not suffer terribly in the higher altitudes when riding up in the mountains. Very comfortable ride for long distances, even with a passenger.

It was replaced with a 1978 KZ 1000A but was not discarded. I eventually sold it to a friend, that´s how much confidence I have in this motorbike! It never let me down and had plenty of power to get me out of many situations that on a lesser bike might have proven fatal.

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