Review of the 2003 Victory Classic Cruiser:whole lot of fun |
2003 Victory Classic Cruiser. Picture credits - dana higgins.
My wife has a 2003 tc and I have a 2002 tc. | ||
I purchased a 2003 for my wife 2 years ago in order to have her go along when I took my 1969 BSA thunderbolt out and for when we wanted to travel. Of course she did not want to ride double so I happened on to a 2002 for myself. Since then we have putt more that 7000 miles riding in Florida with no problems and a whole lot of fun. I retire shortly and we plan to ride on vacations around the USA. When I’m ready for a new bike it will almost certainly be a Victory. The biggest complaint I’ve heard from previous owners is that they foul plugs. The main reason for this is that the operator forgets to retard the fast idle lever after warming up the engine. This causes the engine to run rich and fouls the plugs. We never have that problem because we never us the fast idle. Maybe it’s because we live in Florida and it usually warm. |
This review of the 2003 Victory Classic Cruiser was posted by a visitor on and does not necessarily reflect facts, truth or's opinions.
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