Overall, I really enjoy this bike, certain things this bike is and certain things this bike isnt, It is not a racer, But I bought a cruiser, not a sports bike, Is this a bike I can take anywhere¿ Yes, Is this a bike thats fun to ride in the city¿ Yes, Is this a bike that I LOVE taking out to the country on back roads on different day trips¿ Yes, Is this a bike I can hop on the freeway, and be heavy enough and powerfull enough to hold more than its own¿ yes, Is this a bike I have no worries what so all about just leaving by myself and driving for hours to the middle of nowhere¿ Yes. Is this a bike I allways get complimented on¿ yes, I drive my bike a 1/2 a mile to the store, I drive my bike 200 miles up north to a friends, I drive it an about any type of situation, allways starts right up, allways gets me there, so far so good. I have allways had good luck with honda in the past, the upkeep is minimal, which is why I buy Hondas, they only call for an oil change every 8000 miles, that must be precision engineering, I do mine every 4000. People I know with the same bike just a couple years older with 40 or 50000, really have not had any major problems. The only think I really dont like is that 1, or 2nd gear clunk, that all large VTwins seem to have, but keeping RPM down in 1 and 2 seems to reduce that greatly, It is a cruiser, not a racer, but if needed, you do have alot of power, more than enough power to do anything you need to do on american streets, and I do like that fact thats its made in the USA, at least for now | |