1998 Honda F6C Valkyrie review

Review of the 1998 Honda F6C Valkyrie:

Erics valk

Author: eric Frobel, 2010-08-07, viewed 287 times.
1998 honda valkyrie

  I own a 98 honda valkyrie, since 2003, I have put over 50,000 miles on it, love the torqe,ITS smooth and fast, I put some saddlebags on it so I can bring my cooler for lunch at work, the windsheild keeps the blast off my face. I only get 28 to 30 mpg, but who cares , when the bike is this much fun to ride.I use the avon venom radials, and for a heavy bike, it handles great, maint is easy, and its been very reliable for me  

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