2002 Honda VT 1100 C3 Shadow Aero review

Review of the 2002 Honda VT 1100 C3 Shadow Aero:

For your eyes only

Author: Mike, 2006-03-19, viewed 224 times.
2002 Honda VT 1100 C3 Shadow Aero
2002 Honda VT 1100 C3 Shadow Aero. Picture by Honda. Published with permission.
The Aero is one of the most beutiful motorcycles ever built. 1100cc is no longer enough to be called heavy, but still, the honda engine gives a mighty sound and impressive power.

  I bougth mine after a quick visit at the local dealer. I fell in love emidiatly. A few tire-kicks and a fortune later it was mine. Because of the weather conditions (January) test driving was out of question. But what a heck, such beuties can drive a man to speend his last penny.

Now, 1200 km later I am still satisfied. Louder pipes, a backrest for my vife and the machine was comlete. It is a low and heavy bike. Down town driving with a passenger is not what this bike was ment for. And not highway drivning ether, unless you love biiig screens. If yuo are above avarage height you will need forward controlls for comfortable driving. The seat sholud be mounted futher back and the hanldbars bumbs into your knees in every turn. The headlight i ok. But for longer nightdrives I suggest extra headlights. Though it is a heavy, in some ways uncomfortable, expensive bike, it still is the one to lift your neighbours eyebrows closer their hairlines.

This review of the 2002 Honda VT 1100 C3 Shadow Aero was posted by a visitor on Bikez.com and does not necessarily reflect facts, truth or Bikez.com's opinions.

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