Author: Richard Ahlers (DRKMTR), 2010-07-03, viewed 185 times.
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2010 Kikker 5150 Hardknock Frisco Bobber. Picture credits - Kikker 5150.
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The Kikker 5150 Hardknock. A new take on an old tradition at a price you can´t beat and a feeling you will never forget.
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While this might not be the greatest bike ever made, it is a faily well made bike that fits a small little niche of the market that could very well be the future of cycling in today´s economy. While there are several inexpensive bikes to choose from, this is by far the greatest deal if you can wield a wrench even just a little. If you can read directions, and change your own oil or spark plugs in your car, you should be able to handle this bike´s assembly. I have wanted one since they first came out and got mine a little over a year ago, and can´t seem to not ride it almost every week. I use it to get to work mostly, but spend other time on it when I can. I have logged almost 1,000 miles since last summer on it and didn´t even ride every month, so I ride it a lot when I can. Granted this is not a bike for someone who expects to just ride it hard and put it away wet, that will get you missing parts and stranded on this bike. It requires attention if you ride a lot, but a good inspection weekly should keep you riding fine. Proper initial assembly will net you huge benifits in ride quality and ease of later maintenance. It is hard to put into words the amount of shear fun this bike provides. You can´t go anywhere without someone asking about it, or someone giving you the thumbs up. Most think it´s an old Harley or something, when you tell them you built it, you get a whole other round of questions and even bigger smiles and props. I have owned everything from dirt bikes to big sport bikes and this is by far my favorite bike I have ever owned. With a growing community online with support world wide in many forums, this could be your ticket to freedom, a whole new set of friends and a lifestyle you never knew you needed so bad. In short this bike is more fun than the money you spent to buy it and a thousand times cooler than any moped at a similar price. If ´Old School´ cool is for you then this is your bike. | |
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