1973 Triumph T 140 V Bonneville 750 review

Review of the 1973 Triumph T 140 V Bonneville 750:

Best of the Triumphs

Author: RICK VIERGUTZ, 2005-12-22, viewed 274 times.
1973 Triumph T 140 V Bonneville 750
1973 Triumph T 140 V Bonneville 750. Picture credits - Einar Oedegaard.
I owned four new Triumphs as a young man and found this to be the´ best of the bunch´.

  My three bikes prior to the t140v were a Daytona 500 and two T120Rs´.The picture accompanying this review is not like any T140v Iever owned. The tank and aircleaners are wrong,butthat is not my concern.The 750 Booneville was totally superior to the T120r in almost every way.I donnot claim to be an exoert butI did you all my Triumphs for touring in the late sixties and early mid 70,s.The T140 was lowered in the center tube (oil reservoir), an extra gearwas added, the bars were swept back, and of course 100cc,s were added to the motor.The power and handling were a dream and the extra gear wasgreat on the highway .If you needed to power to pass a downshift to fourth and it really got up and took off.I removed stock mufflers and added a pair that were less restrictive and could not believe the increase in power when you ´got on it´.I also added an external oil cooler as I rode this bike long distances all over the US ,Canada, and Mexico. The only consistent problem I had waswith the plug in the end of the speedometer cable/gear box where it went into thelowerend on the left front.Triumph just had a metal disc staked in there and it liked to fall out.I rectified the problem by glueing a nickel in the end and that solved the problem. It was a beautiful machine and I will never forget the ride down the Pacific coast hwy. from Seattle to SanDiego and back to my Home in Wisconsin.I may sound like a sentimental sap but I really loved that beautiful bike with its sleek lines and beautiful paint job.I could go on and on but will restrain my self.  

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