1959 James Commodore 250 review

Review of the 1959 James Commodore 250:

fitst bike after passing my drivlg test in leicester 1959

Author: harold john cooper, 2019-01-11, viewed 460 times.
1959 James Commodore 250
1959 James Commodore 250. Picture credits - Classic-motorbikes.net.
60years ago went to shop near prison in Leicester picked up my new James commodore it was fantastic great for a kid ran well me and my mate trveled miles on it remember it was oil petrol engine used to sees up f run flat out for long periods and was abit slid on wet services that bike has great memomeris for me hjcooper

  James commodore 250 my first motorbike after passing my test at 17 60 years ago fantastic bike went all over on it with my mate pillion good speed with 2 up used to seize up after flat out for long run bit slid on wet roads good on oil petrol mix was easy to maintain ran it for a couple of years was a cheap bite in those days  

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