Review of the 1973 Kawasaki 350 S 2 Mach II:Ol blue |
1973 Kawasaki 350 S 2 Mach II. Picture submitted by anonymous user.
The blue 350 s-2 that wouldnt die | ||
Bought one of these from a guy when I was a teenager, (like 14 yrs. old) He lost control of it, punctured his lung, and his wife said ´sell it´!!!! Got it for 150.00 Rode it for the next 8 years off and on, fun little bike, lot,s of good memories (I grew up out in the country ,where you could really open it up more often than one probably should) Pretty reliable lil 2 stroke.(mine anyways) Never left me stranded. Sold it, with a bad clutch, for the same price I paid for it.....had I known then what I know now........(this was 1986) I would have kept it!!! (The 750 I replaced it with as well, that was scary fast powreband wise) :)Also the triple. |
This review of the 1973 Kawasaki 350 S 2 Mach II was posted by a visitor on and does not necessarily reflect facts, truth or's opinions.
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