2005 Malaguti Firefox 50 review

Review of the 2005 Malaguti Firefox 50:

firefox 2002

Author: Andy Kirkman (preston, lancashire), 2004-12-21, viewed 179 times.
i have the firefox 2002 model
it is a brill bike and full of suprises.

  when i first got the firefox i´d never heard of malaguti. they make good quality bikes but they are built for respect. if you dont give your bike respect, it wont respect you. the firefox proved this to me. i took off the standard exhaust and replaced it with a technigas race pipe. the firefox loved it!
i saw the 2005 model on this site and was instantly attracted to it, now my 2002 bike has the new front panel and all the vinyls on it. you wouldnt tell the difference!
they are are brilliant bike. i would defently reccomend this bike!

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