1981 Kawasaki Z 750 LTD review

Review of the 1981 Kawasaki Z 750 LTD:

UNBEATABLE VALUE for this fun all rounder.

Author: Paul Hiebert, 2012-07-22, viewed 1246 times.
1981 Kawasaki Z 750 LTD
1981 Kawasaki Z 750 LTD. Picture submitted by anonymous user.
After having owned a 1981 Ltd750 when I was 16 years old (1985) I knew exactly what I was getting with this second purchase - a very reliable, comfortable, fun and fairly powerful (for the time anyway) 750 four.

  I originally made this second purchase of a 1981 Ltd750 in October of 2011. (4 picks are on this site) As a 30 year old machine it was fairly weathered in cosmetics, but displayed only 23,000kms, came with new tires, and only cost me Dollars 1,000. What a bargain !!! As an added bonus, insurance for a bike like this is about half of what it would cost to insure anything new.
There are a number of machines built by all of the big four Japanese manufacturers in the 1980´s that are both reliable as well as readily available at bargain prices these days. My personal favorite is this one, as I find that it is the very best blend of comfort, handling and performance.
Shortly afte purchasing my bike I made two immediate adjustments that I would highly recomment. As my bike was in need of a new drive chain, I opted to go with an extra tooth for my from sprocket which dropped my RPM´s by a whopping 500, which feels a lot better at highway speeds, although I will say that this motorcycle is one of the smoothest 80´s air cooled bikes I´ve ever ridden anyway. I also replaced the pull-back ´1970´s looking´ handlebars for standard bars. This was not only for personal preference, but also for comfort, as I found the stock bars uncomfortable at highway speeds.
Over-all this bike handles excellent. Although the LTD is classified as a ´cruiser´ it is much more of a nuetral bike in it´s handling, in particular with the new bars on. A very nimble, light feel, that´s a blast in corners. This bike also has great cornering clearance with the footpegs mounted a little higher than on most cruisers. The engines power delivery is equally as impressive as the bikes handling. Very smooth and wide powerband. Transmission is also one of the smoothest I´ve ever ridden all the way through the gears with no false nuetral or other issues (with both of my purchases).
Comfort is quite pleasing as well. The seat is just excellent. Wide and soft, for both the rider as well as the passenger. While I have not bothered with a windscreen (I prefer the open air) I do have a pair of highway pegs that came mounted on a small pair of crash gaurds, and I gotta say, I have never been a fan of highway pegs, but damn are they ever nice out on the highway.
Over-all this bike is just excellent. Fun to ride, comfortable, reliable, and a decent amount of them were sold, so parts shouldn´t be impossible to find. I plan on purchasing another new bike sometime soon, but I think I´m going to keep this one. I think I´ll restore it one day.
So if you´re looking for a good inexpensive all-round motorcycle, whether you´re an experience rider or even if you´re new to motorcycling, seriously consider a 1980-81 Kawasaki Ltd750 if you see one. You should be able to get it cheap and you won´t be disappointed.

This review of the 1981 Kawasaki Z 750 LTD was posted by a visitor on Bikez.com and does not necessarily reflect facts, truth or Bikez.com's opinions.

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