2001 Harley-Davidson Softail Springer review

Review of the 2001 Harley-Davidson Softail Springer:


Author: Phil Sowle, 2010-02-25, viewed 210 times.
2001 Harley-Davidson Softail Springer
2001 Harley-Davidson Softail Springer. Picture by Harley-Davidson. Published with permission.
i bought an 01 springer softail new in 2000

  This is the 10th harley i´ve owned. by far it is the most fun and the best looking. it,s great for running around town and it´s fun on the hiway.i´m almost 60 years old,, my next bike will be an ultra 6 speed for the money i love it. tires are about all i´ve spent big money on.
enjoy yours i´ve got 50,000 miles on this one. recently bought a 09 1200 sportster alot of fun and fast , but not a big v-twin

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