Review of the 2007 Suzuki Bandit 1250:My first Bandit |
2007 Suzuki Bandit 1250. Picture credits - Suzuki.
I bought this bike for two reasons: 1) The price was to good to pass up, the ultimate deal and 2) My friend who owns an 01 Bandit told me to buy it..... | ||
The 07 Bandit fuel injection and 6th gear makes it just a little nicer than my buddy´s Bandit. I am not disappointed at all. This bike has so much low and mid range torque, it is fun and scary at the same time. It is very smooth at highway speeds and it is very quiet no matter what gear you are in. The only thing I do not like is the stock seat. I plan on adding or subtracting some seat foam myself and if I can´t get it right I will big deal. I put a Givi wind screen on and that made a nice difference at highway speed. I plan on putting some Givi side bags on it in the spring and I will be golden for the sport/touring season. |
This review of the 2007 Suzuki Bandit 1250 was posted by a visitor on and does not necessarily reflect facts, truth or's opinions.
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