2007 Generic Trigger SM 50 review

Review of the 2007 Generic Trigger SM 50:

Gereic Trigger SM50

Author: Michael Phillips, 2009-04-01, viewed 147 times.
I recieved this bike from my dad as a 16th birthday present. A very expenive gift at £2000.

  Unfortunetly for me, when I got the bike it was a bit of a dud. The electric starter had problems wich would blow a fuse under the seat, but the kickstart would always see me through.
But as soon as that got sorted the bike was fine. It´s just important to ALWAYS turn off the petrol when you stop the bike as you will drown the engine and it wont start.
A small electrical problem due to poor waterproofing under the dash. If you ride it in the rain, the N light will come on.
Theres also a little problem with idling. Keep the revs up or she might conk out after a long drive.
As for the looks, it looks amazing. It will definately stand out from the rest of the mopeds.
A bit of a boring ride on main roads and very scary on dual carriage-ways (nearly been killed by lorries coming up behind me a few times), but as soon as you take this bike on the single lane backroads you´ll have a lot of fun.
It´s also a high bike.
In conclusion, a brilliant little 50 with small niggles as most do.

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