1997 Kawasaki ZZR 600 review

Review of the 1997 Kawasaki ZZR 600:

excellent beginner´s bike

Author: Matt Corey, 2007-09-09, viewed 423 times.
Well, I´ve been riding this thing for a year now so I suppose it´s about time to submit a review and get the word out of this wonderful bike.

  First of all, this is an EXCELLENT beginner´s bike. My sister picked it up and in two days of parking lot ride sessions (about an hour a day) was completely comfortable on the street. Some reasons why:

A very low seat height. Not too low, unless you merely seek a challenge, but just about anyone can touch both feet, if not heels to the ground.

Somewhat upright riding position. No you will not be deprived of a sport-riding position, but it is a far cry from the newer trend on hunching over the handlebars until you need a chiropractor. A soft seat and low seat height (as mentioned before) all come together to make a very comfortable, at ease riding position.

It´s still a sport bike! This thing can still go very fast, but only if you keep the RPM´s high. Thus, you won´t take off too fast unless you really want to. It has the power to wheelie over backwards, though thankfully God gave me a brain big enough to never get close to it. Nontheless, while drag-racing my brother, the wheel came up a little. Also, it is light enough to have a very nimble feel (at least compared to the CBR XX and ZX9R I have ridden. In short, I have had many a toe-scraping adventure with this friendly beast, and it will keep you satisfied for a while.

Durability. To be honest I´m more of a Honda fan simply for the sturdiness of their bikes. This, however, is an exception. This bike has at least 45,000 miles on it (the odometer doesn´t go into the 100,000´s) and I have had virtually no problems in my daily commute or rides in the back roads in spite of the terrible condition I received it from its previos owner.

In short, everything about this bike is very friendly for a new rider, but still can hold its own against any car you´ll come across on the street (not that you should engage in street races-BAD reader, BAD). I would highly recommend it, though this year is it´s 10th birthday, it still looks good too...considering. Well most people can´t tell the difference when you´re showing off to you friends anyways ;) But yes, good bike, I would highly recommend it for newer riders, or even a rider looking for a break from his compact sporty, back-breaking pure-sport bike.

This review of the 1997 Kawasaki ZZR 600 was posted by a visitor on Bikez.com and does not necessarily reflect facts, truth or Bikez.com's opinions.

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