Review of the 1984 Yamaha XT 250:awsome bike |
1984 Yamaha XT 250. i.
well i first got this bike a couple of months back and all i did was work on it because the guy i bought it off of didnt have any spare money to fix its cause he blew the engine. | ||
first things first its a four stroke it dosent have as much tourque or power as a 2 stroke but its a really really reliable machine and it dosent have only 17 hp it has 31hp ( i got it dyno´d stock) the only minor problem with this bike is the tires, they dont have good grip in the sand so what i reccomend is go out and buy knobbies. For a four stroke this has a good bunch of power cause of the 4 valve 2 ehaust port single cylinder... ohh and also the dual carb. If your into enduro and want a bike with power and reliability i strongly reccomend this bike. |
This review of the 1984 Yamaha XT 250 was posted by a visitor on and does not necessarily reflect facts, truth or's opinions.
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