Review of the 2006 Suzuki Boulevard M 50 Black:Bangs for Bucks |
2006 Suzuki Boulevard M 50 Black. Picture credits - Suzuki.
´...that´s a SWEEEET ride´ (night train rider). | ||
I have owned my ´07 M50 for a year now and it still has that showroom appeal. This is the best bike dollar for dollar on the market today. A cadillac ride and sleek blacked out look always get heads turning. Even so, i had a guy tell me ´thats a SWEEEET ride´ he was sitting on a Harley Night Train (a nice one in it´s self). I´ll take that compliment. |
This review of the 2006 Suzuki Boulevard M 50 Black was posted by a visitor on and does not necessarily reflect facts, truth or's opinions.
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