2002 Gilera Coguar 125 review

Review of the 2002 Gilera Coguar 125:

August 2004 Review 0 ´W´ Reg Coguar

Author: Will, 2004-08-09, viewed 344 times.
2002 Gilera Coguar 125
2002 Gilera Coguar 125. Picture submitted by anonymous user.
125cc. Would say overall a good-looking reliable bike, but with minor problems.

  Had mine approx 12 months, in that time it´s not failed to start once. Come rain shine snow or wind - first time everytime. The ride is smooth, the pace isn´t the quickest but the minimum it will do even in high wind is 60 and it everages about 70. Have gone up to 80/85 at times in the right conditions though.

Now for the bad bits. The Speedo unit has now broken TWICE in the 12 months I´ve had it. Ridiculous. Suggest if you get this problem fit an aftermarket speedo for 1/3rd of the price. Only other problems have been the front and rear bulb going in that time - but they are 90p each so no great hassles there.

Overall, if you don´t mind looking after your bike, greasing the chain, polishing the chrome onece in a while, you will have a great bike with the Coguar. It´s got a stupid name - but it´s a bloody good looking bike.

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