1960s motorcycles

1960s Allstate motorcycles

1960-69 Allstate motorcycles with specifications, pictures, rating and discussions

Vintage bikes by decade 1960s   1950s   1940s   1930s   1920s   1910s   1900s   1890s

Here you find 1960s Allstate motorcycles with specifications, pictures, rider ratings and discussions ordered by year. Click a model name to show specs, pictures, rating and a discussion forum for the motorcycle.

Click here to show all Allstate motorcycles made. Specs for missing models and more pictures of the listed old models wanted. You get your name and bike on Bikez if you help us by uploading pictures.

19681968 motorcycles

Motorcycle modelRatingForum   View    
1968 Allstate SR 250-Discuss bike  All 1960s bikes

Submit specs and pictures for missing 1968 models.

Insurance quotes

19671967 motorcycles

Motorcycle modelRatingForum   View    
1967 Allstate SR 250Show ratingDiscuss bike  All 1960s bikes

Submit specs and pictures for missing 1967 models.

Insurance quotes

19661966 motorcycles

Motorcycle modelRatingForum   View    
1966 Allstate SR 250-Discuss bike  All 1960s bikes

Submit specs and pictures for missing 1966 models.

Insurance quotes

19651965 motorcycles

Motorcycle modelRatingForum   View    
1965 Allstate SR 250-Discuss bike  All 1960s bikes

Submit specs and pictures for missing 1965 models.

Insurance quotes

19641964 motorcycles

Motorcycle modelRatingForum   View    
1964 Allstate SR 250Show ratingDiscuss bike  All 1960s bikes

Vintage bikes by decade 1960s   1950s   1940s   1930s   1920s   1910s   1900s   1890s